Electric Dreams

A View from the Bridge
June 2003

Dafumu Dreaming

Jean Campbell

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Campbell, Jean (2003 July). A View from the Bridge - June 2003:
Dafumu Dreaming. Electric Dreams 10(7).


Dreaming of peace and the interesting projects created as dreams come true happen daily on the Bridge. Join us. To learn more about The World Dreams Peace Bridge, go to our web site at http://www.worlddreamspeacebridge.org, or join the Peace Bridge discussion group by sending a post to

What do the wolves sing as they race to the Reservoir?


Years ago, the entity known as Seth told the members of psychic Jane Roberts' Monday night class that, when they dreamed together, they should dream "the city." This dream location, he told them, would become a beacon, a dream location for dreamers in the future.

Quiet spontaneously, the members of The World Dreams Peace Bridge have begun to expand on this idea: first with dreams of the Bridge itself, then with the Reservoir suggested by May as a place for dropping in healing energy and taking some out when needed, and finally with the "dream answer animals" that have begun to populate our dreams.

During the month of June, there have been several DaFuMu dreamings held, both for individuals and for Peace in the larger world. Many people have been invited to the healing place at the Reservoir. What is DaFuMu dreaming? In brief, the word is a combination of Japanese and Chinese characters meaning "big dream of good fortune." More information about DaFuMu can be found on the World Dreams web site at http://www.worlddreamspeacebridge.org/dafumu.htm

Hands Across the Jordan

The first DaFuMu dreaming this month was held for Chayim, whose Hands Across the Jordan Project he brought to dreamers on the Bridge last spring. Chayim introduced himself like this:

Shalom: My name is Chayim Levin. I am 50 years old, married with 3 kids. Born in Chicago. I now live in Israel. I teach and study Torah and pray for peace in my land everyday. My friend Gary Stubbs in California and I have this idea to build a peace bridge over the Jordan River where people would gather to pray silently for peace. We are in the process of organizing and asking for letters of encouragement. If there is anything else you need to know you can ask or wait for the movie. All the Best, Chayim.

The physical world bridge over the Jordan is scheduled to be built on November 16, 2004. Anyone who might want to help with this project can contact Chayim through The World Dreams Peace Bridge. DaFuMu dreaming can be done for individuals or for groups. All of us are in need of Peace. The second set of dreams in June was done for Kathy's friend Di, who has run afoul of the law in Australia and is in jail there. Many members of the Peace Bridge have dreamed the Reservoir. One example of this is a June 12 dream from Victoria, also from Australia:

Thursday, 12 June 2003

The background music was "If We Try" by Don McLean.

I was at the reservoir, the sand was soft and the silvery water tepid.

Beyond the boulders was grass. It was in the grass that I began planting seeds from the charity apple trees.

The trees grew at a phenomenal rate.

Some apples were red, others green and still more were golden - ccoloured. Each branch had a single one of these colours on it, in multiples of 7 so that the word charity was spelled out repeatedly

I was sitting with others, who were a little sad, but companionable just the same.

We were thinking of ways to work with the word Charity.


Members of the Bridge speculated what the guards at the jail might think when, as they have to do, they read Di's mail. The following is part of a dream that Valley sent.

I am told by the council of elders that this person is a part of the community and tribe, and as such he will be dealt with according to sacred law, and not the laws of man. Within sacred law, he will be dealt with in the circle, and taught about himself through the choices he has made. He will receive spiritual teachings and be forced to look at himself within, and not be isolated from the tribe. The tribe must take responsibility for teaching him these things, and not just lock him away and not deal with him. Sacred law works for the good of the whole, and no one is left behind.

A third DaFuMu dreaming in June was held for a young boy in Turkey who has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. As he is undergoing chemotherapy, the group will continue to dream for him.

Peace in the Middle East

And finally, during the weekend of the Spring Solstice, after some amount of discussion, members of the Peace Bridge invited others to join them in a DaFuMu Dreaming for Peace in the Middle East. Prior to the invitations being sent out for this dream event, Juhani suggested that we look for a "Dream Answer Animal". Here is the invitation that resulted. (As this issue of Electric Dreams is being sent out during the DaFuMu dreaming, please feel free to join us.)

From The World Dreams Peace Bridge:
A Call for a DaFuMu for the Middle East

Can you dream up peace for the people of Palestine and Israel? The violence in the Middle East continues and escalates. It is not safe for women, children and men in many areas of Palestine and Israel. People cannot feel safe catching a bus, or walking in the street or even sitting in their own homes. They are denied the blissful peace that we all take for granted. So please, over this coming weekend (June 21/22) dedicate your dreams to peace in Israel, Palestine, and all the Middle East. Why not take the ideas of Juhani and Ralf below and make this DaFuMu (a dream of much good will) a special one indeed?

Juhani's DAA search:

The conflict is growing to be a hormone-based scream-show. I'll try to dream a Dream Answer Animal (DAA), a SYMBOL. An animal lives here and now. If there is a free path to a better life: It surely will take it without saying... but... yes but... first... then... after... maybe if...

Wishing that a Dream Answer Animal pops up near a path, road or bridge. Then I'll ask you what it could symbolize. DAA's specialty to manage life situations could boost road map. By the way: I love that word "road map" -pragmatic Juhani. Does anyone know who invented it? Literally?

Next step could be a Reservoir meeting - to get the DAA there... somehow. The rest will be history. Ahaa...one spontaneous peace roamer made it. Next can follow the path... Just an idea. I'll try it. Anyone dreams an animal... just let me (us) know.



Ralf's Lucid map

I will remember to meet the WISE dream answer animal.
I will remember to follow its path.
I will remember to get lucid and ask for the meaning of that path I will invite that DAA to WDPB
I will remember to enjoy the ecstatic awareness of being in a dream.

Road map ...
The map isn't the territory.

Sometimes members of The World Dreams Peace Bridge dream in advance of the event. This is what happened for Joy, who sent the following email before the invitation went out:

I thought last night that (rather than just lament my lack of time) I should dream a peace dream for this group. I woke up in the middle of the night after dreams of conflict, remembered, went back to sleep and woke happy in the morning from peaceful dreams with themes of cooperation. Then for a moment I drifted back into sleep as a dream-narrator voice asked, "But what about peace in the Middle East?"

In the same moment I experienced a brief, vivid dream in which I was in my vegetable garden, finding in the soil an oblong, fist-sized rock which I tossed over the fence and out into the desert where it would be out of the way of the growing plants. I asked, "Is this for the Worlddreams group?" and in answer the same dreamlet repeated twice more, complete with a twitching of my physical arm as I flung the rock. So there you have it, I don't know why: Throwing a rock out of the garden.

The first explanation that occurs to me is that this is a peaceable and helpful rock-throwing, as compared to lobbing them at one another.


Peace Train Workshop at Berkeley

And finally, if you are attending the Association for the Study of Dreams conference next week, you will want to attend the Peace Trains and Dreams workshop scheduled for Monday at 7:30 p.m. with World Dreams members Jeremy Seligson, May Tung and Jean Campbell.

Recently, when the question was asked, "What is a Peace Train?", Jeremy, who was the original dreamer of the Peace Train, responded with this statement:

The train travels at whatever speed suits those it is visiting. It is fueled by imagination and good will. But more than anything else, it is fueled by love. Love for oneself and love for the other, importantly for those who are of a different culture than one's own, and especially for the children who will inherit our Earth. The fact that it is at all is more important than where it will end up. But its tracks lead all over the globe and perhaps one day all over the cosmos. It is adaptable. It will survive. It is your train, too, and you can get on it at anytime. Your friends and family are welcome, as well. Even your pets and plants are invited to get on - the mountains and the seas, even the stars.

The World Dreams Peace Bridge is a group that uses personal dreams for public world peace. You can find out more about the WDPB at: http://www.worlddreamspeacebridge.org