Electric Dreams

DreamWave: The Gold in Dross

Timothy Tate 

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Tate, Timothy (1996 June). DreamWave: The Gold in Dross. Electric Dreams 3(5). Retrieved from Electric Dreams July 27, 2000 on the World Wide Web: http://www.dreamgate.com/electric-dreams  

Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt--marvelous error--
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.
--Antonio Machado, Time Alone

DreamWave: The Gold in Dross

The primary authority in each person's life is not the parent, the boss, the doctor, the psychiatrist, or the ego. It is the Self. This authority has many names and religions attached to it, but all describe an infinite resource available twenty-four hours a day, everyday. Its primary purpose is to provide each and every human with enough information to make it through life in a meaningful way. Its form of expression is the imagination. Its linking system is intuition. Its language is the dream.

Being informed is fundamental in today's world. The premise of theDreamWave project is that the most important information is being overlooked. As thoughts are to the brain so are dreams to the mind. The "image-ination" represents itself in "images." A daily, direct link to the source of these images is the dream. The dream has an inherent structure to its often seemingly confusing presentation. The story is told with pictures, puzzles, puns and paradoxes. To work with the dream, you must play with it. You need intuition, imagination and information.

The capabilities of the home computer, particularly when combined with the Internet and CD-ROM, are well suited to aid contemplation of dreams. We have undertaken the design of an electronic dream "Scribe," to augment one's paper journal, and to link it to a many media dream-related encyclopedia. The DreamWave software will enable intuitive navigation through and access to an on-going evolution of information about dreams. It will assist the dreamer in entering into an open-ended, life long relationship with their dreams on their own terms. DreamWave is asynchronistic integration of software technology and psychological thought. The program will be purposely as much an interactive game as serious dream work. It will let the dreamer connect with the dream, and feel that little jolt, that "Eureka!" experience, when the wires of dream and life cross.

Our first expression of this project is on the World Wide Web at:

Within this site are:"Paragon," a collection of hypertextual essays on matters of the psyche;"Muse," individualized musings on dream themes and elements;"Tidings," a consideration of the week's waking dream, a.k.a., the news;"Gold" & "Rules," which provide people with the basics for discerning their most valuable dreams, the "gold in the dross."

DreamWave is one way for people to incorporate dreams into their life, and, ultimately, to explore themselves and their world. It introduces a technology and resource system whereby the average person has the opportunity to become an authority in their own life, pulling on there sources of the Self available every night in one's dreams.

Dreams are not logical, but mytho-logical; they sew terror and absurdity together; they disintegrate the dreamer. The art form of the dream, like play, like little saved things, like memory, is to make a human life, to participate in the making of human culture.
--Lynda Sexson, Ordinarily Sacred


Timothy Tate
Dross, LLP