Electric Dreams

 Roberta Ossana

Interview by

Victoria Quinton

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 Quinton, Victoria (1996 July). Interview: with Roberta Ossana. Electric Dreams 3(6). Retrieved from Electric Dreams July 27, 2000 on the World Wide Web: http://www.dreamgate.com/electric-dreams

VQ: Who is the intended audience for Dream Network?

RO: When I first took responsibility for the publication, it was my impression that many of readers were lay and professional dreamworkers and/or people already committed to valuing their dreams. Given there had been a fair amount of time for networking/information sharing among the 'core' readers, we felt -- since we all dream every night -- that it was time to prepare the publication to meet the general public. We have since that time published a combination of scholarly, well referenced articles as well as experiential/heart sharing articles written by dreamers like you and I. Response we have received, continually, since attempting to span that distance has been very enthusiastic: something for all dreamers!

We are selling quite well at the bookstores we reach through our distributors, which indicates a receptive lay readership; many of the 'core' readers are still contributing/with us and there is always excitement in the letters of new readers who, through word of mouth or 'on the newsstand' have found us. One of our goals is to raise individual and cultural appreciation for the value of dreams and -- since we do all dream -- it would seem a simple and direct answer to your question is a 'general audience.'

VQ: Was there a dream you had that inspired you to join Dream Network?

RO: Yes. It was a precognitive dream that had me in the summer of 1975. It was like a full length extravaganza... full color, light and sound. An incredible experience! I had no idea what had just happened... but intuitively knew that it was significant, important. It was the first dream I ever recorded... and I did so with most dreams that followed. This enhanced my dreaming life considerably! I began asking questions, searching out whatever I could get my hands on related to dreams. Several years after that summer of '75 dream, the mayor of our town, Port Townsend, WA., put a notice in the local paper asking if there was anyone out there who would be interested in coordinating an event for the 35th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter. There were other reasons, which I won't go into here, which compelled me to call together a group of colleagues for the purpose of brainstorming ideas about what we might do for this occasion in our village. The ideas that were springing forth from everyone's creative minds brought to mind vivid images from the dream. I mentioned this to the group and in less than a split second, on man said, "Well, we've got to do it then!" So, we each took a piece of the work away from that meeting and pulled together a full day and into the evening event. I can only say that the event itself, the experience, was walking the intersection where dream reality meets with everyday experience. It was like walking through the dream, step by step. Virtually nothing was missing. There was a moment of silence which everyone gathered was asked to observe to contemplate/pray for world peace. In that moment of silence, my destiny was sealed. I knew this is the path I would pursue.

VQ: What would be your initial advice to those starting out with their own "dream work."

RO: In a way, I was forced to adopt the term, dream work... as it was well established by the time I became publisher/editor of the Dream Network Journal. I would rather answer the question "...... initial advice to those starting to awaken to the value and importance of their dreams." Also, I would prefer to suggest, rather than advise.
May I? I would suggest it takes time. It is a subtle art. Not a quick-fix remedy for whatever ails or troubles one. I would encourage that individual to record and contemplate on their remembered dreams. To begin sharing their dreams with someone they trust.... whether there is an attempt to understand the meaning of the dream or not. If nothing more than for enjoying the sheer genius and beauty of the imagery and story. Certainly, setting aside time especially for dreamsharing, such as in a dream group, is beneficial and would be encouraged. I would suggest that they begin to give dreams a respected place in their life. Read good books on the subject. Begin familiarizing themselves with the subtleties of symbol and metaphor.

Realize that any given dream may yield its purpose and/or meaning in layers, over time. Sometimes it takes years before the full depth of meaning surfaces. I would say it becomes a way of life, the symbolic life dancing and interfacing with synchronicities... and that from this dance new paths are revealed, new ways of viewing our lives and paths. I would caution them to be prepared for a sometimes perilous, painful and often joyous journey. Our culture is not rooted in truth. Our dreams are. These are some of the things I've learned that I would want to share.

Now, of course, if this person were to have approached me in line at the post office or grocery store, which often happens,. I would say perhaps only one of these things.... or suggest the Dream Network and/o r a good book!

VQ: Have you learned more about "dreams" from books or word of mouth?

RO: I've learned more about dreams from dreams.... than I have from books or word or mouth.

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"Encouraging individual & cultural appreciation for the value of dreams and mythology."

Interview conducted by Victoria Quinton
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