Elizabeth Stangeland


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Life and Death

August 14, 2002
I was walking down a dirt road looking for my bike. I appeared to be at a camping ground. I walked and looked to my left and saw a bike hanging on a rack, but it wasn't mine. I turned and walked the other way and on my right was a small house which seemed to be deserted. Someone on my left unknown to me said the house was haunted. It seemed as though I turned and went the other direction and walked in a house. I looked out a back door and saw a man back there who was working on some equipment. He was spraying a chemical all over which spread really fast throughout a large portion of the area. I walked quite awhile and was on a bridge and looked down to a lake. It was a very long way down. I knew the chemical was spreading and would catch on fire. I heard a loud noise and I knew that where the man was working was blowing up and the fire was coming towards us very rapidly. I looked across the lake and canyon and saw people coming out of their houses and looking to see what the loud noise was. I knew the fire was going to reach them. I went into a room where there was a very large swimming pool. There were 3 of us. I said, quick jump in the pool so the fire doesn't get us. I knew if I jumped in the lake we would die because it was too far down. We got in the pool and we were swimming. I saw the flames and the fire reaching us and the building was surrounded by the hot fire. I knew the swimming pool would melt and could not tolerate the high amount of heat. So I said to the other two, I am going to drown. I would rather drown then be burnt to death. So I went under water and I could breathe. I held my breath and nose with my hand to suffocate. I wanted to die before the burning. I saw a light, the one that people talk about when they die. I woke up.


Wild Horse

July 31, 2002
Joann had died and Wendell and I received the body in a black bag. Joann's head was showing and she looked bruised and terrible but I could tell that it was her. The body bag was laying on a table and I looked at Joann's face. Her eyes were wide open but she obviously was dead. It was a horrible sight and I was so sad to know that my good friend was gone. We put Joann up on a table or mantle because we were having a party and a lot of people were coming over. Kent and his daughter who was in a wheel chair came over. I felt bad that his daughter was just put in a wheelchair and Joann had died also. I asked them how this happened. They said it was raining and Joann went outside and ran down the street to get their dog. She fell on her head and died. Suddenly I saw Joann walking towards us with her arms half cut off but her hands and fingers were still in place, on the stubs of her elbows. Then a house full of people came over for the party and Joann was dead again laying where we put her. I told the people that I didn't do anything to prepare for the party. I pulled out some cheese and crackers. Kris  seemed upset with me. I opened the refrigerator and asked her if she wanted a beer. I took the beer out and handed it to her. Wendell and I woke up the next morning to go shopping and he was in a hurry. I went to my closet pulling out just anything to wear. I put on my maroon cap and gown from Sierra College. We were at the shopping center and we parked down a dry grassy hill. We were walking and I said to Wendell, I can't go shopping with this cap and gown on because people will think that I have graduated from another college. He said, we will shop quickly. I told him we were going to run into someone I knew and then I would have to explain why I had the cap and gown on. Then we ran into Pastor and Doc from church. They said, oh you graduated from school, congratulations. I didn't want to explain so I said yes and walked away. They yelled at me and said they wanted to take my picture. I said, no, I don't have my makeup on yet. I told Wendell to finish shopping and I would go to the car. I walked down the dry grassy hill and got in the front passenger seat. Thor was in the back seat and a little dog was in the front laying on his back. I rubbed his belly. He then sat up and stuck his chest out to Thor as if to say, I am a bigger dog then you. He kept doing that and poking Thor with his nose. I told the little dog to leave Thor alone. Then I was standing at the top of a hill and I could see a herd of wild horses running around Joann who was half horse and half herself. The human part of her was still dead but the horse (bottom half) of her was alive and kept trying to get up. Then the land turned into a huge lake and someone next to me (I think my sister Anne) said, where are all of the kids. I looked and said, you can see them swimming under water towards the edge. There was a girl swimming with a blue coat and hood on. We thought she was going to drown. Anne said, where did the girl go, I think she sunk. I said, no, and I pointed and said there she is. The girl with the coat on made it to the edge and came up out of the water. I pointed out in the water and I counted and said, look there are the other kids. The kids made it to shore safely.

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