EWK 9/25/05
   "I find myself outside in a grassy, sloping park setting - very pleasant. I see lots of people scattered about enjoying the park, picnicking and playing. I crouch down to talk with two little boys. Semi-lucid, I realize I can do magic and for fun ask them if I can do anything for them.  The boys look five or six years old, very small. The one on the left looks sick - he has dark shadows under his eyes, looks pale and very thin. He has thin dirty blond hair. I wonder if he has an illness in WPR. The other boy looks healthier. They both look at me, as if uncertain of what to say.

I ask the sick looking boy if he would like me to do a healing on him. He tells me "No", but then adds "I'd like to do a healing on you!"

Surprised, I ask: "On what?" He tells me I have some blockage in my forehead center that keeps me from perceiving (psychically?) correctly with it. That makes some sense to me, but I wonder if he can do it, and if so whether he could do so properly. I ask him if he means the third eye chakra, the little boy nods, but he looks uncertain, as if he does not know what I mean. However, at this point the other little boy with brown hair enthusiastically pipes up: "He can do it!" He sounds so confidant that I agree.

As soon as I do, the first boy lifts a very thin arm up and presses his right hand onto my forehead. As he does this I ask him: "Does your forehead center seems fully open?" He nods.  I can't see his forehead though. He has hair covering his forehead, and wears a gray wool cap with a red stripe/fringe, that holds his hair in place.

Curious to see what his forehead looks like, I ask: "May I?" gesturing at his head. He doesn't object, so I begin uncovering his forehead. To my surprise I see a round silver watch with a white face and black hands embedded on the left side, not in the middle as I'd expected. Surprised, I continue. When fully uncovered I see that his forehead has four "third eyes" - round watches with white faces with different times and slightly different colored metal faces and numbers.

I feel alarmed at what I've seen and back away, breaking the connection - perhaps before the boy had accomplished anything - but perhaps not. I don't know if I want to end up with a "forehead center" like his - especially considering he doesn't look all that healthy. He looks surrealistic, like something by Salvador Dali. I wonder if what I'd allowed him to do, or had almost allowed him to do, seemed such a good idea. I now understand why he looked so uncertain when I asked him about the "third" eye" - his "forehead center" has a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth!

Now that I've backed away "Timeboy" has a temper tantrum. perhaps because he didn't get to finish his "healing" of me. He shrieks and runs around. I ask the other the boy if he would like to come with me to do some magic someplace quieter. He agrees. I pick him up my arms and fly off down the grassy slope of the park . . . "